Green Technology

Where higher performance leads to better life quality!

EURASIAN PATENT No. 037875 (2021)
MAGMATRIX AGRO uses the latest achievements in the field of science and technology, which made it possible to achieve its superiority over all similar devices produced in the world. In particular, the MAGMATRIX AGRO devices are significantly more powerful and compact than the existing analogues. The technology is patented.
In the MAGMATRIX class of devices, a special magnetic matrix of neodymium magnets is used, allowing, more than 20 times, to increase the intensity of the magnetic field effect on water. In addition, in the apparatus of this class, along with the use of water magnetization, a vortex effect is used, water treatment with an alternating magnetic field and infrasonic oscillations, at a frequency that allows the most efficient structuring of water.
In recent decades, in many countries of the world, including the USA, China, Russia, India, Japan, Germany, and others, excellent results have been obtained on the application of past magnetic treatment of irrigation water in agriculture.
It should be emphasized that the magnetic treatment of water refers to the effect on the water flowing through special devices with a powerful constant or alternating magnetic field. After the magnetic treatment of water, while maintaining the chemical composition, its structure changes, which affects its physico-chemical properties, that is, ordinary water becomes much more chemically and biologically active.
The uniqueness of the results of using magnetised irrigation water is that:
increases the yield of various plant species from 25% to 100%, depending on the type of plants;
reduces the consumption of irrigation water by 25-30%;
fertilizer consumption is reduced by 30-50%;
the vegetative period is reduced by 7-15 days;
more than twice reduced the amount of seed;
increases the shelf life of crops of various plants more than twice;
Soil disinfection from fungi and a number of pathogenic bacteria, microorganisms and parasites occurs.
Desalination of saline soils occurs.

Magnetic water treatment allows plants to be watered with water with a high salt content, and also contributes to a significant increase in yield on saline soils.
As you know, salt water can not be used for irrigation for two main reasons. First, salt deposition occurs in plants, which delays the intercellular circulation of water. Secondly, salts are deposited in the capillaries of the soil, making it impenetrable.
Meanwhile, in some countries, a method is used in which plants are watered with magnetised hard water, including sea water. The test results of this method, carried out on saline high limestone soils using magnetised hard brackish water, rich in calcium sulfate, magnesium and sodium chloride, were very successful. The yield of vegetable and grain crops increased when irrigated with magnetised brackish water by 1.5 - 2 times, as compared with irrigation with ordinary fresh water.

The devices MAGMATRIX AGRO are issued in several modifications:
In the form of nozzles on the hose for watering plants;
For irrigation of large areas, devices are installed at the outlet of a water pipe of 32 mm or more;
For installation in greenhouses;
For drip and sprinkler irrigation types;
For installation in irrigation canals.

The results of the experiment of the germination of green mass and the root system of wheat grains during watering:
1 - with ordinary water;
2 - with magnetized water with a standard apparatus;
3 - with magnetized apparatus MAGMATRIX AGRO.

An experiment on the germination of wheat grains in the soil when irrigated with magnetized water.
A. The root system of sprouted wheat grains irrigated with plain water;
B. The root system of sprouted wheat grains watered with magnetized water.

Examples of the results of the use of magnetized water in agriculture for various types of plants